The Gilead Road widening project, detailed as widening of Gilead Road from McCoy Road to Wynfield Creek Parkway, is currently being considered as a candidate project for application to the CRTPO as part of its Spring 2017 Direct Attributable (DA) Funds 'Call for Projects'. Submittal of all candidate project applications are due no later than March 20, 2017.
To fully complete the CRTPO application process, the Town must determine its financial commitment by designated the project cost percentage intended to serve as matching funds towards delivery of the $6,300,000 Gilead Road widening project.
Prioritization of all candidate projects are determined using various evaluation criteria, one of which assigns points for the matching funds percentage. Out of the maximum total of 80 points used to determine priority, the points assigned to the different matching fund percentages (and approximate dollar amounts) are as follows:
25% - 29% 10 Points ($6,300,000 x 0.25 = $1,575,000)
30%-49% 15 Points ($6,300,000 x 0.30 = $1,900,000)
>50% 25 Points ($6,300,000 x 0.50 = $3,200,000)